Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jean Valjean

We had just sat down to eat our dinner. Mi brother Nicoli was sitting besides me, very hungry and ready to eat. My father and mother both sat down in their places and waited for the servant to bring us our dinner. It was a roasted Turkey bathed with gravy, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. It smelled delicious. It started getting really cold so my father got out of his chair and lit a fire.  It started to get toasty and warm. 
We were just beginning to serve ourselves when the door bell rang. “Who could it be at this hour”! My father said angrily.  All of us looked at each other very puzzled. My father got up and walked towards the door, he asked from inside who it was but nobody answered.  He then opened the door and suddenly froze. His eyes were big and round, his face pale white, and his hands started shaking. My mother got up to see who was at the door but my father told her to stay behind. “Good Night sir, I have been traveling by foot for a long time and I’m in need of food and shelter, could you help me?” said the man tiredly. I suddenly got up of my seat and started walking towards the door. Before my mother pulled me away I caught a glimpse of the man. He was a tall man, wearing ripped up clothes, who had not showered for days. He had a long beard, and looked as if he was going to faint. I was very frightened.
After a few minutes of my parents talking the man in the door said again, “I know you know who I am, but I really need your help, please help me sir”. “How can I make sure you will not steal from me, or hurt my children” My father said nervously. I could hear all their conversation through the living room door. After five minutes of talking with the strange man, my father came to a decision. He called our servant and told her to set the bed in the guest room and prepare a nice hot bath for the poor man.
The man entered our house and presented himself, “Hi, my name is Jean Valjean and I will always be grateful for your help”.  We finally sat down and got to eat our yummy dinner. It tasted great to me and I’m sure it tasted like heaven to our new friend Jean Valjean. After we finished eating my mother went and tucked me into bed. My brother slept with me that night and my father locked us in. I was having trouble sleeping and I could see my brother uncomfortable. So asked him who the man was and why he was so afraid, “Jean Valjean is an ex convict who was sentenced to 15 years in jail. He has just gotten out and has a yellow passport”. After those words my arms filled with goose bumps and I became a rock. It was a night I will never forget.   
