Sunday, November 28, 2010

Perfect Leader, Perfect Society

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived these mystical fairies called Acantha Fairies. They lived in the land of Cascadia. Cascadia was filled with magical trees, crystalline waters, and colorful flowers. There was a pond named Feodore, a gift from God. Feodore gave life to every single creature in Cascadia.  It contained mythical powers, which sent out waves of love, compassion, hard work, and leadership.
Icarius - Leader
            Every thirty years Feodore would choose a new leader for the Acantha fairies and the rest of the creatures in Cascadia.  Twenty-seven years ago, Icarius the leader of Cascadia was chosen. Icarius was a strong willed, hard working, and compassionate fairy. He was a great leader who led his land with love, leadership, and equality. Icarius led the society neatly and nicely.  He would assign every fairy an important job, which kept the society balanced. Everyone was treated equally and properly.
            One day, when everyone was working like usual, many fairies saw a strange object flying in the sky. It was threedragons that wanted to land in Cascadia. Icarius told 8 Fairies to go and help the dragons and take them to a nearby place where they could land safely.  A few minutes later the three dragons walked into Cascadia looking for Icarius.  After greeting them and presenting himself, Icarius showed Feodore to the dragons.  The dragons were amazed with this powerful pond full of life and love.  The dragons had come with a proposal for Icarius and would not leave until Icarius accepted.

“We have come all this way to present a proposal to you. We have been studying your lands and Feodore for many years and have made an astonishing discovery. If we were to combine your ponds water with our food, we would create a destructive flame greater than what we blow right now.  If you would give us Feodore, we would build you a greater land to live in. We will build every fairy a house, we will provide food every month, and no one will ever have to work”.
            Icarius was amazed with this offer, and knew that he would have a much easier life if he were to accept.  The dragons were tempting Icarius and he was not realizing it.  He was becoming a weak leader for Cascadia and Feodore could sense it. Icarius saw this offer as a great one, not only for him but also for the other fairies. What he did not see was the mean intentions of the dragons and how in the end many fairies could get hurt. 
            Meanwhile in the village a young fairy named Piccolo found out about the offer and knew that he had to stop it. He tried telling the fairies, but no one believed him or thought he was crazy.  Piccolo did not know what to do he was confused and afraid.  He went to visit Feodore and asked him for wisdom and strength.  Feodore told Piccolo that he had to go and talk to Icarius and show him the negative effect the dragons offer would have on Cascadia.
            Piccolo went to talk with Icarius and made him understand that it was important for people to work and have their jobs. That the fairies would become lazy because they would not have anything to do, and would then start fighting. Theodor realized that what Piccolo was saying was true. That if he would change the way their society had lived for hundreds of years everything would fall apart.
            In the end Icarius told the dragons that he could not accept their offer. Since Icarius was getting old, sick, and sad he granted his position as leader to Piccolo, who had the energy he did not have anymore. In the end Feodore knew that the people of Cascadia had a new and good leader.

Work Cited