Sunday, March 13, 2011



City of destruction,
Aggressive bus drivers, irrational taxi drivers
Chofers, maids, gardeners
Starving people on the streets

They tell me you are one of the most dangerous in Honduras and I believe them, for I have seen the murders and kidnaps go free.
And they tell me you have a corrupt government and I answer: Yes we overthrew our president and money is stolen without remorse.
And they tell me you are inhuman; For which I have seen your barbarous acts on the fire breathers, drinking gas only to be given 3 lmps.
They show me your corrupt police men; letting go the wrong doers in the city for just 100 lmps.
And having answered so I turn once more to those who sneer at this my city, and I give them back the sneer and say to them:
Come show me another city with its head held high
Even after going through poverty, starvation,and an illiterate president

Building, not finishing

Under the pouring rain with their heads held high, screaming for peace in their country
During the land slides helping and rescuing those in need.

Partying as if it’s the last day they will ever party
Dancing as if it’s the last step they will ever give
Laughing as if it’s the last joke on earth
And Singing as if they will never be heard

City of destruction,
Aggressive bus drivers, irrational taxi drivers
Chofers, maids, gardeners
Starving people on the streets

Carl Sandberg  CHICAGO
In the poem Chicago, Carl Sandberg does not follow any normal poetry structure. He writes freely and unorganized to show how his city, Chicago, is an unorganized but free city.  With the very first words he uses, “Hog butcher for the World, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Stormy, husky, brawling, City of Big Shoulders:”(Sandberg); he is trying to emphasize the power of the city. Sandberg is portraying Chicago as a big and strong muscular man, who works hard and is a powerful being.  Although the troubles of the city are recognized like for example in these verses, “And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again” (Sandberg); Chicago is only human and may commit big mistakes, but in the end Chicago only wants to work hard. Sandberg knows that even if the city is corrupt as it is, it gives great job opportunities and in the end it always stays united.  We can see this when Sandberg talks greatly about Chicago in the end when he writes “Proud to be a Hog butcher”(Sandberg).  Other people see Chicago as a nest for crime and illegal actions. They see it as a dirty and brutal city. Sandberg clearly does not like it when people speak badly about his city.  In the poem Sandberg turn in defense to those who are speaking badly about Chicago and proves them wrong.