Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blog #1

U.S troops are crossing the border.

The last U.S combat troops left Iraq onThursday morning and crossed into the Kuwait border. This was the end of a 7 year war that the Americans fought to overthrow Sadam Husseins dictatorship. The war took the lives of more than 4,400 american soldiers, and tens of thousand Iraqi´s. This was a long violent war that was created by the ex United State president George Bush. Msnbc reports us the details and words of the soldiers themselves, "This was a professional soldier’s job,” he said, describing “a war that has defined this generation of military men and women.“And today it’s over,” he said."(Lt. Steven)Reporters do not take sides during this article and event. In my opinion more details of the war and the U.S troops were needed. People who do not know the whole story can get mixed up or confused easily. I really support the decision the United States made by making the troops leave and let Iraq fight their own War,"In 2003, we rolled across this berm into Iraq, and now as we get ready to transition the security of Iraq to Iraq’s own forces, this is a significant retrograde of a combat unit.”(Lt. Steven) Thursday August 12th was a great day for the U.S troops and Iraqi´s.

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  1. image was not embedded correctly
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