Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog #3 Plan to Change the World

         “Did you know that nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names”(Shah)? Many kids around the world do not receive a proper education or much less have the opportunity to have a higher education and graduate from school. Their parents do not have the money to enroll them into a school, so instead they send their children to work, and this is called child labor. The children that do not go to school work in factories, farms, sweatshops, or in the streets as beggars.  All of these children have a right to a normal childhood but instead they are exploited. I am sending this to all the banks, governments, private schools, businesses and individuals or families around the world so you can learn about the situation and see how many children you can help. If every child makes his family $5o a month my plan is for you to sponsor the child’s education and give $50 a month to every single family who has a child who is working instead of going to school. You can give them this money to hire a grown up to do their children’s work while they send their kids to school. For you to give them the money, they have to present a document and evidence to show that their children are going to school every day. If there is proper education there will be more jobs, more jobs means more money and more money means better housing and life.
These children’s parents need to understand that their sons and daughters need the proper education for them to make money in the future. You can help many lives and help millions of kids learn how to read and write. You can give children the opportunity to overcome their poverty and make a better living for themselves and improve their quality of life. Imagine how it would feel for you to not know how to read and write, if your parents instead of sending you to school would make you work in fields or factories the entire day. If you decide not to help these children, these poor communities throughout the world will never prosper. The poverty in our countries will be stuck and after a period of time there will be more ignorant and uneducated people. The society will never improve. In the other hand if the poor families decide to keep their children working instead of sending them to school their children’s future will be at risk.  If their child does not receive the proper education he will, in the future, keep earning the minimum wage and that would affect their children and even their parents.
I encourage all of you to think twice about the proposal and these children’s future.  You could make a great change in their lives and in the lives of their future family and their entire communities. Like Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. 

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