Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog #4 Refuting Patrick Henry

Members of the parliament, you were called here today to discuss about a certain man called Patrick Henry. Gentlemen, the colonists are rebelling against us and Mr. Henry is helping them by presenting new ideas and plans.  We have to work together and find better solutions to win. Mr. Patrick Henry called the Virginia Convention to read to them his speech and talk baldy about our mother country Britain. He has been criticizing our government and has been disrespecting our law. His two main ideas that are setting colonists against us is that first, we are treating them as slaves, and second they have to fight against us for their freedom. Gentlemen, something must be done and fast!
Gentlemen, this is something Patrick Henry told the colonists, “Is life so dear, and peace so sweet as to be purchased, at the price of chains and slavery ”(Henry 2)? This is absurd! What have we ever done to the colonists? Since the beginning we have helped them settle into their new homes and lands. We have always been nice and respectful to them.  Gentlemen, the only thing we have ever asked them for is to help us pay back our debt to help their Beloved country. What gives them the right to rebel and say that they are treated like slaves?  We have to show the colonists that they are not being treated as slaves. We have to teach them how to give thanks and respect our king. They are the ones who are boycotting our goods and destroying our vessels. All of this is treason towards our country; we cannot let this go any further.
Mr. Henry is telling all the colonists that they have to fight for their freedom at any cost. Who said that we are sending our soldiers for war? They are only going to the colonies to keep the colonists in order and stop all of this madness. “If we wish to be free… We must fight! I repeat it sir, we must fight”(Henry 2)! This is what is going around the colonist’s heads gentlemen. I think we have to resolve this problem in a better way that does not involve a war. There cannot, and will not be more bloodshed. We can talk to the colonists and come to an agreement. It is crazy for us to go to war just because the colonists believe they are slaves of Britain.  The war has not started gentlemen and we have to prevent it from starting.
Gentlemen ask yourselves one question, is it worth to loose thousands of British soldiers just because colonists believe they are enslaved? No it is not! Colonists have to respect our decisions and our country.  We have given them everything and they are still not happy. What can we do? We have to set them straight and show them who is the boss. We can talk to them and make a deal, but if in the end they are still not happy, we will have to look for more harsh measures.


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